Finished bathroom

So I really should have posted some pictures by now!  Trust me, I definitely would be hearing about it from my wife if I wasn't done with the bathroom project! 

Luckily, the rest of the bathroom project went smoothly.  I had laid the subway tiles on the Durrock for the shower enclosure easily enough without too many problems.  Perhaps my biggest mistake was miscalculating the number of tiles from the top lip of the tub to the bottom of the window.  That, combined with the slight slope of the tub, I ended up having a slightly larger gap between the tiles on one end.  This looked kinda poor and very noticeable before I grouted.  I  was pretty concerned how it would come out, but with the white grout instead of the dark gray of the Durrock, I couldn't tell at all!  Relief!

I used greenboard for the ceiling since it's a high moisture area and used V-groove wood boards for the walls.  The boards made for a more interesting wall than just drywall or plaster.  It was pretty fast and easy to installed too!

I lucked out on the floor tile too!  I was modified the length of the bathroom just before I framed, and that slight modification (2 inches) made a big difference.  I had used a cobalt blue Italian tile that was ten inches square.  With my slight modification, the only floor tiles I had to cut was the ones around the toilet flange.  I actually had to do the toilet tiles twice, as the plumber had broken the tiles trying to install the toilet, so I had to pull them all back out and lay them back in.  To my relief, he left the flange there, so I could do all the cutting and pre-drill all the holes so they wouldn't break any more.

The bathroom ended up turning out very nicely, if I do say so myself.  It was nice building it out when you have another full bath available -- there isn't quite the rush to finish if there wasn't one.  In addition, the location of the new bathroom was "off the beaten path" of everyday foot traffic, so the dust and tools didn't get in the way with day to day activities.


Unknown said…
Nice pictures, Looks like a great post ..
Thanks for the sharing ..Projects Woodworking
Michael D. said…
You're welcome. I need to post a picture of the tile layout. I've got a few emails about that.
Timothy Hicks said…
Looks amazing. You have just convinced me to use the V-grove boards. I love how they add interest to the walls. Drywall can be so boring. Thanks for the article.

Tim Hicks
Timothy Hicks said…
Looks amazing. You have just convinced me to use the V-grove boards. I love how they add interest to the walls. Drywall can be so boring. Thanks for the article.

Tim Hicks
Unknown said…
May I ask for the purchasing information for those blue tiles ? They're just what I've been looking for, but not finding...

Dave in Florida

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